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Lipogems: Understanding (and Harnessing) the Healing Properties of Your Own Fat Tissues

Lipogems: Understanding (and Harnessing) the Healing Properties of Your Own Fat Tissues

Harnessing the healing power of your own body has taken a revolutionary turn with the Lipogems procedure. The Lipogems procedure uses the power of fat cells to promote orthopedic recovery. 

Our experienced team at Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada, uses Lipogems technology to boost your body’s ability to repair damaged or injured tissue.

What is Lipogems?

Lipogems is a minimally invasive procedure that uses your body’s fat or adipose tissue to support the healing process. Fat tissue is rich with reparative cells that jump into action when tissues get damaged. 

How does the Lipogems process work?

The Lipogems procedure begins with the extraction of a small amount of fat, typically from your abdomen or thighs. We clean the harvested fat cells using the Lipogems system and end up with a potent, micro-fragmented adipose tissue that retains the natural healing properties of your fat cells.

We then inject the processed fat into the damaged area. The fatty tissue bolsters the surrounding area, acting as a protective barrier, while the reparative cells fix damage and calm redness. Because local anesthesia helps keep pain at bay, you can expect to resume your normal activities soon after this procedure with minimal disruption.

What conditions can Lipogems treat?

Common conditions treated with Lipogems include osteoarthritis, tendon injuries, and soft tissue damage. This procedure has many advantages as an alternative to surgery or as a complement to other healing methods.

Patients with chronic joint pain, tendonitis, or degenerative joint disease may benefit from Lipogems. Mobility improves, pain subsides, and a newfound zest for living emerges — all thanks to this therapy. Additionally, because Lipogems uses your own tissue, there is a reduced risk of rejection or adverse reaction.

Why choose Lipogems?

Unlike traditional surgical procedures, Lipogems does not require large incisions, reducing recovery time and the risk of complications. This outpatient procedure allows you to return home the same day as your procedure.

Benefits of Lipgems include:

The procedure uses a minimally invasive, patented, and proprietary FDA-cleared device.

Is Lipogems right for you?

If you suffer from joint pain, tendon injuries, or other orthopedic conditions, Lipogems may be a viable option. We help you weigh the pros and cons and discuss your specific situation and the potential outcomes.

Learn more about Lipogems by calling the nearest office or using the online booking tool to schedule an appointment.

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