4 Benefits of Our Fast Track Clinic vs. the ERMar 08, 2025After a sudden injury, rushing to the nearest emergency room is often the first instinct. Fortunately, there’s a faster, more cost-effective solution. Our Fast Track Clinic offers quick, expert care without ER wait times or high medical bills.Continue reading →
Can I Still Run with Knee Pain?Feb 11, 2025If knee pain is disrupting your runs, it’s time to schedule an evaluation. Partnering with a top-notch expert orthopedic provider is essential to safely return to your favorite activities without causing serious complications.Continue reading →
Will Trigger Finger Resolve On Its Own?Jan 09, 2025The dramatically named trigger finger is a disorder of the tendons in your hand and their ability to move freely. The condition may affect any finger or thumb. Sometimes, It leaves a patient looking like they’re pulling the trigger on an invisible pistol. Continue reading →
Help! I Can’t Lift My Arm Without PainDec 02, 2024Don’t let shoulder pain keep you on the sidelines — with expert diagnosis and treatment, you can recover and get back in the game. Don’t put off a professional evaluation. Pushing through can keep you out of commission longer. Continue reading →
Bone Health 101: What Every Woman Should Know About OsteoporosisNov 02, 2024Strong bones are part of the foundation of your health, but osteoporosis can creep in quietly and undermine bone health. Protecting bone health today can help you stay active and avoid fractures as you age.Continue reading →
Urgent Orthopedic Care: 5 Common Conditions We Treat in Our Fast Track ClinicOct 17, 2024When pain strikes suddenly, your top priority is getting the right care quickly. Our Fast Track Clinic offers expert orthopedic care to ensure injuries don’t slow you down for long.Continue reading →
Lipogems: Understanding (and Harnessing) the Healing Properties of Your Own Fat TissuesSep 11, 2024Say goodbye to long recovery times. The Lipogems procedure offers a minimally invasive way to treat orthopedic issues using your body’s own healing properties. Continue reading →
5 Ways to Ensure Strong Ankle Sprain RecoveryAug 07, 2024Sideline your pain and get back on your feet faster with these ankle sprain recovery tips. Discover how to protect, strengthen, and support your ankle so that it heals faster. Continue reading →
Growing Pains: A Guide to Pediatric Orthopedic CareJul 26, 2024Learn to recognize common orthopedic conditions, when growing pains need medical attention, and which treatment options are most effective.Continue reading →
5 Tips for Protecting Your Knees During ExerciseJun 19, 2024Exercise is essential to keeping your knees in fighting shape. However, if not done properly, it can actually promote painful conditions such as osteoarthritis, ligament tears, and tendon injuries. Read on for our five pro tips. Continue reading →
Urgent Orthopedic Care: Addressing Injuries When Every Second CountsMay 15, 2024If you experience a sports-related accident or fall that results in an orthopedic injury, urgent orthopedic care is critical to prevent long-term damage and accelerate recovery.Continue reading →
What Every Baseball Player Should Know About Shoulder Pain This SeasonApr 15, 2024Unlock the secrets of preventing and managing shoulder pain this baseball season to stay at the top of your game.Continue reading →
Will My Ingrown Toenail Heal on Its Own?Mar 02, 2024While most ingrown toenails are just minor irritations that will heal with self-care, some become severe and require medical attention. Here’s how you can tell the difference. Continue reading →
I Got Hurt on the Job: What Should I Do?Feb 02, 2024Protecting your health is your top priority after an injury, but receiving fair compensation is also essential. Here’s what to do after a workplace injury. Continue reading →
Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment Options for Ankle SprainsJan 01, 2024Ankle sprains range from mild to severe and can affect anyone from seasoned athletes to people stepping awkwardly off a curb. Here’s what you should know about sprain risks, symptoms, and treatment options.Continue reading →
I Have Flat Feet: What Health Issues Can They Cause?Dec 11, 2023 Some people with flat feet never experience symptoms, but others may be at risk for painful conditions and health issues. Here’s what you need to know about flat feet. Continue reading →
4 Early Signs of Osteoporosis You Should KnowNov 02, 2023Are you developing a hump on your back or having trouble opening jars? A change in posture and weakening grip strength can be early signs of osteoporosis. Keep reading to learn more indicators of this progressive disease. Continue reading →
Tennis vs. Golfer's Elbow: What's the Difference?Oct 02, 2023Pain on the inside or outside of your elbow may be caused by tennis or golfer’s elbow — even if you’ve never stepped foot on the tennis court or swung a golf club. Here’s how to know which elbow issue you have and what to do about it.Continue reading →
What to Expect from Your Workers' Compensation ExamSep 01, 2023There’s a lot to figure out after you get injured at work. Here’s what you can expect from your workers’ compensation exam so you can regain control of your recovery and ensure your claim receives the attention it deserves.Continue reading →
Preparing Your Teen for Back-to-School Sports: 3 Steps to TakeAug 01, 2023As the dog days of summer come to an end, it’s time to start preparing your teen for the safe return to sports. Here are some tips from our sports medicine specialists.Continue reading →
I Think My Child Sprained Their Ankle — Now What?Jul 02, 2023Did your child roll, twist, or injure their ankle? Learn how to recognize the signs of a sprained ankle, what to do immediately after injury, and how our team can help. Continue reading →
Pros and Cons of Having Your Young Athlete Wear an Ankle BraceJun 01, 2023You’ve seen other kids wearing ankle braces during sports — does your child need them, too? Learn the pros and cons of having your young athlete wear an ankle brace, and discover when it's beneficial, when it's not, and how to use it safely. Continue reading →
Is It Possible to Fracture a Bone and Not Realize It?May 02, 2023Sprains and bone fractures have similar symptoms, so you may break a bone and not realize it. Here’s how to know if you fractured a bone and need a medical exam. Continue reading →
Everything You Didn’t Know About OsteoporosisApr 01, 2023Our bodies constantly break down bone tissue and then replace it, but with osteoporosis, that system breaks down, too. Osteoporosis is common but can have deadly consequences if left untreated. Continue reading →
Preventing Repetitive Stress Injuries in Youth Athletes: What Every Parent Should KnowMar 02, 2023Playing sports as a child has multiple benefits, but children are prone to repetitive stress injuries. Here’s what you can do to help prevent them while your child participates in sports.Continue reading →
5 Signs It May Be Time For a Hip ReplacementFeb 03, 2023If you’re struggling to perform your normal daily activities due to discomfort, stiffness, or pain, and medication or supportive devices aren’t providing relief — it may be time to consider a hip replacement. Continue reading →
All About Ankle Sprains: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment OptionsJan 13, 2023You can treat most ankle sprains at home, but severe injuries may require an orthopedic surgeon. Here’s how to tell if your ankle injury requires a doctor or can be treated at home. Continue reading →
5 Advantages of Receiving Orthopedic Care at Our Fast Track ClinicDec 01, 2022Injuries can occur at any time, and delaying treatment can cause future problems and prevent you from returning to your regular daily activities. Here’s how to get immediate care for orthopedic injuries.Continue reading →
When Is it Best to Use RICE Therapy?Nov 01, 2022Living an active lifestyle is healthy, but the possibility of injury is always present. Here’s when and how to use RICE therapy to get back on your feet faster.Continue reading →
3 Risk Factors for Trigger FingerOct 01, 2022Have you noticed stiffness, swelling, pain, catching, popping, or locking in one of your fingers? It could signify a trigger finger. Keep reading to find out if you’re at risk. Continue reading →
4 Best Practices While You’re Healing from a Hip DislocationSep 01, 2022Dislocating a hip is a medical emergency that requires immediate and long-term care for a full recovery. Here are four best practices for making a full recovery from your hip dislocation.Continue reading →
Will an ACL Tear Heal on Its Own?Aug 01, 2022The ACL does not have a blood supply and cannot heal on its own. If you suspect a torn ACL, you need medical treatment to return to your physical activities. Continue reading →
Noninvasive Treatment Options for Your TendonitisJul 04, 2022While some people require surgery to repair severe tendonitis, there are several noninvasive treatment options that can relieve your inflamed tendon. Keep reading to find out if one of them is right for you. Continue reading →
Understanding the Most Common Types of ArthritisJun 08, 2022Arthritis is a painful joint condition with symptoms that increase during and after physical activity. Here are the most common types of arthritis and some tips for relieving arthritis pain.Continue reading →
The Many Benefits of PRPMay 04, 2022Damaged ligaments and cartilage heal slowly and often require surgery. But what if your body could repair these soft tissues without surgery or medication? With platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections — it can.Continue reading →
I've Been Hurt on the Job: What Should I Do?Apr 08, 2022Even if you don’t think your injury is serious, you should see a doctor if you’ve been hurt on the job. Here’s what you need to know about workplace injuries. Continue reading →
What You Should Do If You Suspect You've Torn Your Rotator CuffMar 10, 2022A torn rotator cuff weakens your shoulder, making simple daily activities like getting dressed or combing your hair difficult and painful. Here’s what you can do if you suspect a rotator cuff injury. Continue reading →
If You Have Intense Elbow Pain, It Could Be Cubital Tunnel SyndromeFeb 17, 2022Hitting your “funny bone” may make others laugh, but intense elbow pain is no laughing matter. Find out if it was a temporary sensation or the onset of cubital tunnel syndrome. Continue reading →
Common Sports Injuries and How to Avoid ThemJan 19, 2022Exercise and participating in sports are good for you, but sometimes they lead to injury. Here are some common sports injuries and how to prevent them.Continue reading →
What Happens When Your Child Breaks A Growth Plate?Dec 23, 2021Broken bones are an unfortunate part of childhood for many kids, especially kids involved in sports. Growth plate fractures only occur during your child’s growing years, and they require special care. Here’s why.Continue reading →
MCL Injuries: What To Know About Treatment and RecoveryAug 27, 2021MCL, or medial collateral ligament, is a wide thick band of tissue that runs down the inner part of the knee from the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shinbone) about 4 – 6 inches from the knee.Continue reading →
Neck And Arm Pain That Won’t Go AwayAug 11, 2021When you have neck and arm pain that won’t go away, it feels like you have hit a wall. You’ve tried ice, heating pads, OTC medications, and nothing relieves the nagging, and sometimes stabbing, pain.Continue reading →
Treatment For Shoulder Injuries Due To Overhead SportsJul 20, 2021As the weather warms up, professional baseball players are back on the diamond, tennis players are competing on the courts, swimmers jump in the pool, and let’s not forget all the weekend warriors who will be giving it their all.Continue reading →
Being A Male Or Female Can Affect Your Orthopedic InjuryJun 03, 2021The fact that being a male or female can affect your orthopedic injury is news to many. There are many differences between males and females, as the difference in muscle mass, bones, and ligaments make each sex more vulnerable to different injuries.Continue reading →
When Is It Time To See A Specialist For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?May 06, 2021If you have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and other medical conditions, plus certain workplace risk factors, it is possible you could be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. When is it time to see a specialist for carpal tunnel syndrome?Continue reading →
Don’t Wait To See A Doctor For Severe Back PainApr 06, 2021We all experience some type of back pain in our lives. We could have strained a muscle working in the garden, maybe attempting to play touch football like we were still eighteen, or sometimes just putting your socks on can cause back pain and ruin your dayContinue reading →
7 Causes And Symptoms Of Right Shoulder And Arm PainMar 08, 2021If you have ever suffered with shoulder pain, you know it can range from simply annoying to severe, and it sometimes moves down your arm towards the elbow. Your shoulder joint is complicated, and pain can emanate from multiple problem areas.Continue reading →
Joint Pain: When Is It Time To See A SpecialistFeb 08, 2021When you have joint pain, it becomes top of mind every time you move. It doesn’t matter if it’s your knee, elbow, hip, or shoulder. Move, and there’s pain. It limits your ability to participate in sports, to exercise, play with your children...Continue reading →
When to Seek Treatment for Arthritis in Your BackJan 12, 2021Arthritis can affect your back, most commonly in the lower neck and back. Pain and stiffness are the main symptoms, although the exact cause may not be known. If you suffer from arthritis in your back, it may be difficult to decide when to seek treatment. Continue reading →
Dr. Ronald Hillock: Top Tech Awards 2020 Community Exemplary Award HonoreeNov 23, 2020Congratulations to our very own Dr. Ronald Hillock, as he received this year’s Community Exemplary Award during the 10th Anniversary of the Top Tech Awards by Cox Business. Check out his feature in the Las Vegas Weekly.Continue reading →
9 Possible Causes of Hand Pain That Won’t Go AwayNov 22, 2020Most days your hand and wrist hurt, and you have no idea why. Maybe you’ve gotten used to having the discomfort, and you keep popping anti-inflammatory meds.Continue reading →
Signs That It Is Time For A Knee ReplacementNov 04, 2020If you hear that click and pop from your knee when you get up from a chair, it could be one of the signs that it is time for a knee replacement. If your activities are limited and the pain keeps you from enjoying life, it could be time to speak...Continue reading →
Signs You May Be Suffering From Frozen ShoulderOct 14, 2020The term frozen shoulder sounds quite serious, and in fact, this painful condition severely limits your range of motion. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, it can affect movements you take for granted like reaching upward or behind your back.Continue reading →
Do Rotator Cuff Tears Heal Themselves?Aug 07, 2020The rotator cuff in our shoulder is a part of our body we rarely think about. That is, until it begins to hurt. It is the group of tendons and muscles that surround our ball and socket shoulder joint.Continue reading →
Is It Tendonitis Or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?Jul 07, 2020When you have that nagging pain with tingling in your hands and fingers, you might think you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. In reality, it may be tendonitis in your wrist.Continue reading →
Coronavirus UpdateJun 08, 2020Please note that our clinic is now open to ALL patients, and elective surgeries have resumed. Nothing is more important to us than your health and safety. No patients with Coronavirus are being treated at Nevada Orthopedic.Continue reading →
Common Spinal Issues From Sitting All Day At A DeskJun 05, 2020Many of us have worked at a computer in an office for many years, and at the moment we may be working from home. Regardless of where you are working, there is no question sitting at a desk all day takes its toll on the spine.Continue reading →
New Extended Hours for Our Fast-Track ClinicJun 01, 2020Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center’s Fast-Track Clinic is now open on Saturdays!Continue reading →
EnchondromaMay 07, 2020Enchondroma (en-kon-DRO-ma) is a type of benign (noncancerous) tumor that begins in the cartilage found inside the bones. Enchondromas rarely cause pain or other symptoms, so most remain undiagnosed until x-rays are taken for an unrelated injury...Continue reading →
5 Common Shoulder Injuries From Weight LiftingMay 06, 2020There are those who lift weights as part of their exercise routine, and then there are the serious weight lifters. The second group is certainly more rigorous and sets goals well beyond their own body weight.Continue reading →
Chondromalacia patellaApr 28, 2020Chondromalacia patella (or patellae), also referred to as “runner’s knee” is a condition in which the cartilage cushioning the area under the patella (kneecap) begins to deteriorate and wear out. Due to this, the kneecap may start to rub against...Continue reading →
When to See a Specialist for Your Child’s Knee PainApr 06, 2020With the warm weather on its way, parents are likely to be faced with kids complaining of knee pain. They fall, overdo it playing sports, combined with bending, climbing and stretching the wrong way. Sometimes they may complain about it, and then never...Continue reading →
Surgery and SmokingApr 01, 2020Cigarette smoking is recognized as one of the major causes of preventable disease. Most people know that smoking is linked to heart and respiratory diseases, as well as to several cancers. However, many people are not aware that smoking has a serious...Continue reading →
Common Causes of Worsening Sciatica PainMar 05, 2020If you have ever had sciatica pain, you know the frustration of trying to relieve that nagging, seemingly elusive shock down the back of your leg. It radiates down the sciatic nerve from your lower back to your hips, buttocks, and leg. Maybe the best...Continue reading →
Total Knee ReplacementMar 05, 2020If your knee is severely damaged by arthritis or injury, it may be hard for you to perform simple activities, such as walking or climbing stairs. You may even begin to feel pain while you are sitting or lying down.Continue reading →
Frequent Causes of Hip Pain and How Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center Can HelpFeb 04, 2020The hip joint is the largest joint in our bodies, and as we age, there are a number of conditions that can lead to hip pain and a reduced range of motion. If you are suffering with minor or long term hip pain, consider the frequent causes of hip pain...Continue reading →
Life After AmputationJan 22, 2020If you or a family member has recently undergone an amputation, you are aware of the life altering impact and changes that followed the surgery.Continue reading →
8 Ways to Easily Treat and Prevent Wrist PainJan 06, 2020Different components of the body are constantly working together in perfect tandem, and if one area is stressed, it can cause a chain reaction of stress and discomfort. To prove our point, let’s look at 8 ways to easily treat and prevent wrist pain.Continue reading →
Clear Causes and Symptoms of a Collapsed DiscDec 04, 2019A collapsed disc of the spine can be quite painful and restrictive of your daily activities, and in many cases can become a chronic problem. If you have recurring back or neck pain, it is helpful to understand the clear causes and symptoms...Continue reading →
Painful Conditions That Can Occur Days After a Car CrashNov 04, 2019You’ve just been in a car crash and your adrenaline is pumping. You don’t feel any real pain at the moment, don’t think any bones are broken, and you feel lucky to have escaped any serious injuries, so you head home. In a few days though, you begin to...Continue reading →
Walk-In Clinic Now OpenOct 14, 2019Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center is excited to announce the launch of our new walk-in clinic for same-day patients with acute injuries.Continue reading →
10 Reasons Why It’s Time to Have a Hip ReplacementOct 02, 2019Having hip replacement surgery is mainly up to the patient. Nevertheless, it is a serious surgery and the decision to move forward should be made in consultation with your doctor.Continue reading →
5 Common Mistakes Patients Make When Getting a Knee ReplacementSep 04, 2019Knee replacement surgeries are a safe and effective way to help patients improve mobility, have less pain, and resume normal activities. In fact, many patients often wonder why they waited so long to finally address their pain.Continue reading →
8 Ways to Prevent Back Pain and Protect Your SpineAug 06, 2019Anyone who has ever experienced the jolt of pain doing something mundane like tying their shoes or pulling weeds understands how debilitating lower back pain can be. Once it happens, it can become a chronic problem that prevents you from enjoying life.Continue reading →
Facts About Spinal Fusion You May Not KnowJul 08, 2019Just like many medical procedures, hearing the term “spinal fusion” can immediately cause concern and fear in someone due to the unknown. Instead of taking time to Google horror stories and cause your brain to create all sorts of scenarios...Continue reading →
How to Avoid Common Risks of Total Knee ReplacementJun 13, 2019Once you have weighed the risks versus the benefits and consulted with your physician, it’s crucial to know how to avoid common risks of total knee replacement.Continue reading →
Your Guide to Preventing Tennis Elbow This SummerMay 17, 2019Tennis elbow can be a misnomer since it affects more than just tennis players. Carpenters, musicians, painters, and even gardeners can suffer from tennis elbow. Whatever activity you engage in that involves repetitive elbow motion can lead to...Continue reading →
How to Avoid a Rotator Cuff InjuryApr 25, 2019What do a painter, a basketball player, and Roger Federer all have in common? It may surprise you to learn that the answer is: they are all at risk for a rotator cuff injury, especially as they get older.Continue reading →
3 Common Finger Injuries in AthletesMar 04, 2019Olympic athletes, sports professionals, weekend warriors, young, old, and everything in between all use their fingers as they play, which makes finger injuries in athletes a common problem.Continue reading →
Could You Have a Disc Disorder?Feb 04, 2019Many assume their back pain to be a regular part of daily life, but it could be something more. There are a variety of specific medical conditions that can affect the back, and cause an individual to experience anything from dull aches to sharp bolts of...Continue reading →
How Running Affects Your KneesJan 07, 2019It is absolutely natural for your joints to take on some wear and tear over the years, but many individuals exacerbate this process with activities that can be hard on their joints.Continue reading →
Frequent Football Injuries From Head To ToeNov 26, 2018Are you ready for some football? If so, it’s time to also get ready for some football injuries. They go hand and hand with this sport, maybe more so than any other. Running, tackling, changing direction while running, falling, and overuse of a part of...Continue reading →
Preventing Falls In the FallOct 03, 2018A fall can happen anywhere and at any time, but sadly, according to the CDC an older adult dies every twenty minutes from a fall, and they mostly happen in the home. Since September 22 – 28 is Fall Prevention Awareness Week, it’s the perfect time...Continue reading →
6 Ways to Prevent Injury While GolfingAug 02, 2018Did you know that more than 130,000 people were treated for a golf-related injury in 2015? Even though this sport is a low-impact activity with minimal risk, an injury is still always possible.Continue reading →
How to Stay Safe While Playing GolfJul 03, 2018While no one reading this will probably ever be a Tiger Woods or a Nicklaus, some of us will religiously hit the golf course to try. While most just play golf for fun, the sport can stop being fun rather quickly when you become injured.Continue reading →
Arthritis Treatments To Try Before Joint ReplacementJun 04, 2018As today’s active baby boomers are confronted with knee, hip, and other joint pain, they are not content to “sit out” the rest of their lives. Osteoarthritis can affect younger patients as well and with modern alternatives available, joint replacement...Continue reading →
Why Didn’t My Rotator Cuff Heal?May 02, 2018Healing of a rotator cuff is complicated and depends on a number of variables. Many rotator cuff surgeries will heal just fine, but others may not. The simple explanation is the shoulder is a difficult place for healing to occur, and the rotator cuff...Continue reading →
6 Common Causes Of Front Knee PainMar 29, 2018If you suffer from front knee pain in Las Vegas, you understand the frustration as you search for relief. Professional athletes, weekend warriors, and those who just love outdoor sports can all attest to how this directly affects daily activities.Continue reading →
Back Pain During Basketball SeasonMar 09, 2018So you’ve picked up basketball as a new sport at the gym and are experiencing back pain that you’ve never felt before. Or maybe you’re just seeing that a lot of your favorite NBA players are out for a few games due to a back injury. Either way...Continue reading →
The Worst Knee Injuries that can Affect your Favorite TeamsFeb 02, 2018Whether you’re rooting for your team to make it to the Superbowl, or cheering on your daughter’s soccer team, here are some of the most common knee injuries for each sport and how they can be prevented!Continue reading →
Arthritis in the WinterJan 05, 2018Arthritis isn’t the definition of a disease or one single issue, it’s a blanket definition of stiffness and pain in your joints. There are dozens of types of arthritis, but the most common form of arthritis is caused by the degeneration of joints that...Continue reading →
New Year’s Resolutions to Ease Arthritis PainDec 20, 2017It’s that time of year again where we all promise ourselves to make more frequent visits to the gym, eat healthier, and shed a few pounds.Continue reading →
5 Important Habits to Improve Back HealthDec 08, 2017Millions of Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their life, and many people believe there is nothing that can be done to prevent back problems. But there are many things people can do to take care of their back now to prevent pain...Continue reading →
Marathon Injury Prevention and TreatmentNov 08, 2017Thousands of people will be running in the 2017 Las Vegas Marathon next week. If you’re training for the race, here’s what you need to know about injury prevention and treatment.Continue reading →
What is Recovery like After Knee Surgery?Oct 31, 2017Many patients have questions about the typical recovery after knee surgery, when they’ll be able to complete daily tasks on their own, and when they’ll be exercising again.Continue reading →
Retirement Celebration!Oct 31, 2017A dinner reception was recently held to commemorate the retirement of Toni Richardson, former Finance & Benefits Manager, after more than 23 years of dedicated service. Thank you, Toni, for all you’ve given to Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center!Continue reading →
Rasing Cancer AwarenessOct 25, 2017During this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our staff is proudly wearing pink on select casual days to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Thanks to all for the incredible support of this important cause!Continue reading →
Scoliosis Screening InformationOct 03, 2017An abnormal curve of the spine, resembling an “S” or “C” may be scoliosis, a common musculoskeletal disorder. Scoliosis is especially common in adolescents but can affect adults as well, often for varying reasons.Continue reading →
AAOS Warns Parents of Trampoline DangerSep 06, 2017Trampolines are commonplace in many backyards across the country. Children spend countless summer hours on trampolines, but the danger of trampoline use was put back into the spotlight recently after a three-year-old boy in Florida was injured on a...Continue reading →
Benefits of an Outpatient Hip or Knee ReplacementAug 28, 2017A hip or knee replacement is seen as a last resort that is used when non-surgical treatments have failed. But for the right patient, advances in technology have made it possible for a person to forgo an overnight stay in the hospital. Outpatient joint...Continue reading →
Self-Diagnosing Using the InternetJul 12, 2017While self-diagnosing has always been a method for some people, the increasing ease of finding medical information on the internet has left a vast majority relying on “Dr. Google” as their go-to source. But is it the right path to take?Continue reading →
Give Your Back a Break This SummerJul 07, 2017People are constantly on the move during the warm summer months. It’s a popular time for family vacations, moving to a new home, or catching up on outdoor yard chores.Continue reading →
FAQ’s About Hip ReplacementJun 22, 2017Read these frequently asked questions about hip replacement surgery, including the typical outcomes and expected recovery.Continue reading →
Workers comp wackiness!Jun 21, 2017We recently hosted several teams at the annual Las Vegas workers comp bowling tourney. What a great and goofy afternoon!Continue reading →
Most Effective Ways to Manage Arthritis PainJun 06, 2017Arthritis could be caused by about 100 different diseases, but it all leads to one main symptom: inflammation of the joints. Inflammation is the body’s way of fighting off injury or infection, and it is completely healthy for short periods of time.Continue reading →
Proudly supporting RIMS Nevada!May 23, 2017NV Orthopedic & Spine Center proud to support our local workers comp community by attending the 2017 RIMS golf tournament on 5/19. What a great day!Continue reading →
How Do I Know if I Have Carpal Tunnel?May 17, 2017People use computers and cellphones to do everything these days. Even though the use of technology is beneficial in a lot of ways, it’s also caused an increase in carpal tunnel syndrome, which is hand condition that leads to numbness and tingling in...Continue reading →
Preventing Injuries: Treadmill vs Running OutsideMay 03, 2017For runners, the repetitive motion and impact of shifting your body weight from one foot to the other can cause wear and tear over time. Whether you’re just starting out or completing your second marathon, you may experience heel, foot, knee and...Continue reading →
Putting Patients FirstApr 25, 2017Practice features full-time advocate Because our patients are what keep us growing and succeeding, we understand the value of having a seamless line of communication between all parties. As the only orthopedic practice in Southern Nevada with...Continue reading →
5 Everyday Causes of Back PainMar 16, 2017When your back is healthy and everything is working the way it should, you don’t tend to think about maintaining a healthy spine. But when your back is in pain, it can be debilitating. Did you know a lot of the activities we do every day have an impact...Continue reading →
NOSC winter newsletter is here!Dec 27, 2016The winter 2016 edition of On The Move, Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center’s newsletter, is now available and linked below. This newsletter offers referring practices updates, insights and tips to make their patients’ experiences with NOSC as stress-free...Continue reading →
New provider joins Nevada OrthopedicDec 12, 2016Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center is proud to announce the addition of Christine Apel, ACNP-BC, a board certified acute care nurse practitioner. She specializes in the area of orthopedic trauma and spine surgery and works closely with orthopedic trauma...Continue reading →
Summerlin expo a big hitOct 03, 2016Representatives of Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center recently attended a health and wellness expo at Downtown Summerlin. Several hundred people visited the practice’s information booth. Events such as this are just one of the many ways that...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Edward S. Ashman, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified and fellowship trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Conrad O. Yu, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and Fellowship Trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Michael S. Bradford, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board-certified and fellowship-trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Thomas C. Kim, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified and fellowship trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: John J. Kastrup, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified and fellowship trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Ronald W. Hillock, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified and fellowship trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Holman Chan, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified and fellowship trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Bradley S. Baker, M.D.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified and fellowship trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
Meet Our Providers: Thomas L. Vater, D.O.Jan 31, 2016At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, all of our Orthopedic Surgeons are board certified and fellowship trained in their respective specialties. We offer quality health care you can trust. As a patient, it is important to learn about the orthopedic...Continue reading →
What is Pain?Jan 25, 2016Pain is often the trigger to seek medical care and many patients experiencing pain seek treatment with an orthopedic surgeon. At Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, our board certified and fellowship trained orthopedic surgeons will identify why you are...Continue reading →
Why is the Term “Fellowship Trained” So Important in Orthopedic Surgery?Jan 21, 2016When you have an injury or condition that requires Orthopaedic care, finding a Fellowship Trained Orthopaedic Surgeon is very important. For a physician, it requires a minimum of thirteen years to become an orthopaedic surgeon. The path of education for...Continue reading →
Do I Need Spine Surgery?Jan 17, 2016Do you think that you need spine surgery, or have you been told you need orthopedic or spine surgery? It is time to find out with a consultation with a Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center fellowship trained and board certified orthopedic spine surgeon to...Continue reading →
Partial Knee Replacement Surgery with Ronald Hillock, MDJan 04, 2016If you would have told me 4 years ago that I would be performing partial knee replacements (Uni) today I would have laughed. Traditionally this was a very technically demanding surgery with widely varied outcomes.Continue reading →
Non Operative Management of Arthritis with Dr. Ronald Hillock- Part SixJan 04, 2016If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with OA of the knee or hip (or both) there are several non-operative medical treatment options that should be used before considering surgery. These options are weight loss, medications, exercise through...Continue reading →
Non-Operative Management of Arthritis with Dr. Ronald Hillock- Part FiveJan 04, 2016Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis All possible treatments should be considered following a diagnosis of osteoarthritis. There are many options that a patient can consider that are categorized as alternative medicine like...Continue reading →
Non-Operative Management of Arthritis with Dr. Ronald Hillock- Part FourJan 04, 2016Non-Operative Management Option 4: Injections Osteoarthritis is one of the most common conditions I am asked to evaluate and treat. It is estimated that 27 million Americans are currently living with the pain of osteoarthritis.Continue reading →
Non-Operative Management of Arthritis with Dr. Ronald Hillock- Part ThreeJan 04, 2016Non-Operative Management Option 3: Exercise through Physical Therapy Osteoarthritis is one of the most common conditions I am asked to evaluate and treat. It is estimated that 27 million Americans are currently living with the pain of osteoarthritis.Continue reading →
Non-Operative Management of Arthritis with Dr. Ronald Hillock- Part TwoJan 04, 2016If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip (or both) there are several non-operative medical treatment options that should be used before considering surgery. These options are weight loss, medications, exercise...Continue reading →
Important Recovery Guidelines with Ronald W. Hillock, M.D.Dec 03, 2015Are you preparing for a surgery with Dr. Ronald Hillock? If so, please read these documents to further your preparation. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Hillock and his staff at 702.258.3773.Continue reading →
“Living Well with Arthritis”Aug 25, 2015Join John J. Kastrup, M.D. and Arthritis Foundation Nevada for “Living Well with Arthritis” on Thursday, September 10th from 5-7pm at Southern Hills Hospital. To reserve your spot, please contact 702-880-2700.Continue reading →
New Advances In Knee & Hip Treatment with Ronald. W. Hillock, M.D.May 04, 2015Our knees and hips undergo a lot of wear and tear, from exercise to everyday living to aging. Ronald W. Hillock, MD with Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center, orthopedic surgeon specializing in Joint Replacement, provides a new treatment option for...Continue reading →
Non-Operative Management of Arthritis with Dr. Ronald Hillock- Part OneApr 02, 2015Osteoarthritis is one of the most common conditions I am asked to evaluate and treat. It is estimated that 27 million Americans are currently living with the pain of osteoarthritis. Patients seeking treatment for the arthritis represent about 25% of all...Continue reading →
A Solution for Hip Pain with Dr. Ronald HillockMar 26, 2015Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the head of the femur is a one of the more challenging causes of hip pain I am asked to treat. I have good news; we have a new treatment option that is less invasive and more likely to result in healing of the bone and...Continue reading →
Ronald W. Hillock, MD Provides Landmark Surgery for AmputeeMar 23, 2015Featured in the Winter 2015 edition of Healthcare Quarterly, “A Leg Up” is an article by Laura Carroll about Nurse Elizabeth Baily-Smith is walking again after being a landmark patient in the field of prosthetics.Continue reading →
Michael D. Thomas, M.D. Voted Best in Orthopedic SurgeryMar 12, 2015Vegas Seven Magazine has named Michael D. Thomas, M.D. as Top Doc 2015, Best in Orthopedic Surgery. Dr. Thomas specialties include Pediatric Orthopedics, Scoliosis and Spine Deformities in Children and Adolescents. He is fellowship trained in...Continue reading →
Watch the Fox 5 “The More Show” interview with Ronald W. Hillock, M.D. on Joint Replacement SurgeryFeb 19, 2015https://youtu.be/azxqgPTM0Ng Fox 5 Las Vegas “The More Show” interview with Ronald W. Hillock, M.D. of Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center and patient Suzanne Streeper discussing joint replacement surgery.Continue reading →
Welcome to Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center!Jan 20, 2015Join Us For A Tour! It’s important to trust your health care providers. Watch this new video to learn more about Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center and our Providers. https://youtu.be/dgxbtKMACA0Continue reading →
Ronald W. Hillock, MD is Making History: Nurse is First US Osseointegrated AmputeeOct 01, 2014Article from LER (Lower Extremity Review) Magazine- August 2014 By Samantha Rosenblum (Read the article on the LER website by clicking here) It was a first for Las Vegas physical therapist Edward Dolegowski, PT: An amputee reported that her prosthesis...Continue reading →
Daniel D. Lee, MD Named Vitals.com Top 10 DoctorSep 15, 2014Dr. Lee has been recognized as Vitals Top 10 Doctor in the state of Nevada. Vitals Top 10 Doctor is part of the Vitals Awards & Recognition Program, based on collective patient ratings and reviews of their doctors. Dr. Lee is now among those physicians...Continue reading →
Arthur J. Taylor, M.D. Identifies Successful Non-Surgical Treatment for Dupuytren’s ContractureAug 12, 2014Dr. Arthur Taylor has completed a research study focusing on a non-surgical treatment for Dupuytren’s Contracture. Dupuytren’s contracture is a thickening of the fibrous tissue layer underneath the skin of the palm and fingers. Although painless, the...Continue reading →
Holman Chan, M.D. Rated #1 Orthopedic Surgeon in Henderson, NevadaAug 08, 2014Congratulations to Holman Chan, M.D. who is ranked the #1 Orthopedic Surgeon in Henderson, Nevada on RateMDs. RateMDs is one of the most popular websites in the world where patients have the opportunity to review their experience with physicians and...Continue reading →
Thomas C. Kim, M.D. Advises on Female Soccer ACL Injuries in Las VegasJul 21, 2014“Free Kicks and Safer Knees” By PAUL HARASIM LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL What Coach Danny Stone tells them to do — his British accent makes it sound like actor Jude Law is barking out orders — they do.Continue reading →
Russell T. Nevins, M.D. Nominated For Inspired Excellence in Health Care AwardsJul 11, 2014Congratulations Russell T. Nevins, M.D. for his nomination for the Las Vegas Heals Dr. Roy W. Martin 3rd Annual Inspired Excellence in Health Awards. Inspired by the pioneer exploits of Dr. Roy W. Martin, Las Vegas’ first chief surgeon, these awards...Continue reading →
Local woman receives cutting-edge surgery in Las Vegas by Ronald W. Hillock, M.D.Jul 07, 2014By Beth Fisher. CREATED Jul 3, 2014 ABC 13 News Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) — Thousands of people lose their limbs every year, and they’re finding hope right here in Las Vegas. A local surgeon is the first in the country to bring a cutting edge...Continue reading →
Ronald Hillock, M.D. Featured on ABC 13 News with Beth FisherJul 03, 2014Dr. Hillock has successfully performed the first and only above the knee prosthetic surgery on an amputee patient in the United States. ABC 13 Las Vegas news anchor Beth Fisher highlights Dr. Hillock’s achievement in Orthopedic and Oncology medicine...Continue reading →
Nevada Orthopedic Supports Las Vegas Metro Chamber of CommerceJun 16, 2014Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center attended the 2014 Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce Business Expo on June 11, 2014. It was an incredible opportunity to network with other business representatives in Southern Nevada.Continue reading →
Bradley S. Baker, M.D. Named Vitals.com Top 10 DoctorJun 13, 2014Dr. Baker has been recognized as Vitals Top 10 Doctor in the state of Nevada. Vitals Top 10 Doctor is part of the Vitals Awards & Recognition Program, based on collective patient ratings and reviews of their doctors. Dr. Baker is now among...Continue reading →
Ronald Hillock, M.D. Identifies New Treatment Option for Knee ArthritisOct 21, 2013Millions of patients suffer from knee pain due to arthritis and Ronald Hillock, M.D is on the forefront of research to identify new treatment options for his patients. Dr. Hillock’s most recent research studied injections of Platelet Rich Plasma...Continue reading →
Proud Sponsor of Volunteers in Medicine of Southern NevadaAug 05, 2013Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center is a proud sponsor of Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada. The vision of Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada is to be one of the leading charitable medical clinics in America. Their mission is to provide...Continue reading →
Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center Welcomes Holman Chan, M.D.Mar 19, 2013Nevada Orthopedic & Spine Center welcomes Holman Chan, M.D. to our Henderson office. Holman Chan, M.D. was born in Vancouver, Canada. He received a Bachelor of Science in 2002 from The University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Dr. Chan attended...Continue reading →